Friday, March 25, 2011

Arch Street United Methodist Church to Get New Neighbor

Photo: PlanPhilly

According to Plan Philly, a developer has gotten City Council's approval to build a parking garage/retail space next to the Arch Street United Methodist Church at Juniper and Arch.  The next hurdle for the developers is to get the building permit which is contingent on approval of their plans for the building.  Apparently there was concern that a huge parking garage wasn't the best use of that much prominent city land, but plans to develop the nearby Liberty Title Building seemed to sweeten the deal enough for City Council.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Philadelphia Weekly publishes Philly's Top 50 Bars
Apparently Philadelphia Weekly has done the thankless job of trying out dozens of Philly's bars in order to compile its list of the best 50.  The job didn't fall on only one liver.  A team of contributers worked on the story.  The result is a fairly comprehensive list of a variety of establishments.  The only real diversity that seems to be lacking is location.  Eighty percent of the bars on the list come from the conventional N. liberties, Center City, South Philly corrider.  Below are the list's top ten:

1. Grace Tavern, 2229 Grays Ferry Avenue
2. N. Third, 801 N. Third Street
3. Good Dog Bar, 224 S. 15th
4. Sugar Mom's 225 Church Street
5. McMenamin's Taver, 7170 Germantown Avenue
6. Standard Tap, 901 N. 2nd
7. Royal Tavern, 937 East Passyunk Ave
8. For Pete's Sake, 900 S. Front Street
9. Oscar's Tavern, 1524 Sansom
10. Raven Lounge, 1718 Sansom

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring Window Box Inspiration

My window boxes have been sitting neglected since the fall and I am eagerly anticipating a Spring update.  From my limited research I have learned our last frost typically comes around mid April, so we are getting pretty close to safe planting time.  Below are some of my favorite web pictures of Spring Window boxes.
2008 spring window box contest pictures