Friday, January 14, 2011

Nonprofit Spotlight: Save Our Sites

A newish non profit is focusing on historic sites in Philadelphia.  S.O.S, or Save Our Sites was recently featured on Plan Philly and the detailed article is worth reading.  Plan Philly notes that this group's list of endangered locals is a bit "quirky" and even includes a parking lot.  The group's website is still under construction and the link to the list didn't seem to be working, so check out the Plan Philly article for the endangered locations.  My favorite quote from the website: "A city without old buildings is like a person without a memory" -Konrad Smigielski

The Group's purpose as stated on their website:
Save our sites will advocate for the preservation of sites and structures within the City of Philadelphia deemed valuable. These sites include historic ones, though they may not always be certified or in historic districts. The modern, the vernacular and those properties not fitting into any particular category, will be the focus of Save Our Sites as well. . Therefore, Save Our Site's mission goes beyond historic preservation in the narrow sense, with the intention of preserving Philadelphia as a highly livable, traditional city.

Save Our Sites, in addition to its focus on preservation, will advocate for new development that is appropriate to each site and that is compatible with its surroundings.
Save Our Sites will stress the link between preservation and sustainability.

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